Context Free Grammars
- Context Free Grammars describe Context Free Languages.
- All production rules are of the form
A -> b, where A is a non-terminal
and b a (possibly empty) string of terminals
and non-terminals.
- Require a push down automaton (PDA), which is essentially
a FA and a stack.
- Many different kinds of CFGs.
- Bottom up parsers.
- Shift-reduce parsers.
- Operator Precedence parsing.
- yacc
- Top down parsers.
- Recursive Descent parsers.
- Predictive Parsers (LL(k), LR(k), LALR(k)).
- Parse::RecDescent mostly recognizes CFGs; however, it
has enough hooks and features to recognize a subset of CSGs.
- Parse::RecDescent generates top down parsers.
- Parse::RecDescent doesn't generate predictive parsers;
its parsers backtrack.