Tool Teams

Brad Murry

Alcatel Canada Transport Division

Friday, 11:00 AM in Rangos III.

See the paper at

In an effort to work around the common problems that arise when designing, scheduling, and building supporting tools for a large development team, and experimental team organization was developed and implemented.  Its goals were:

Deliverable software usually handles these issues quite well, but tools tend to be created by individuals for a specific task with little or no external communication.  Consequently they are typically undocumented and poorly managed, and any insights obtained during their development are not passed on to other developers.  These deficiencies are addressed by a novel organizational structure that encourages local tool development by specific teams (allowing developers with domain-specific knowledge to continue building tools that they need) while still providing central organization and distribution.

This topic is part of my upcoming book, Perl Tools, to be published by Manning some time this summer.

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