How does one take a real world thing: a user on a chat system; a film review; a set of airplanes sitting on a runway... and translate that simultaneously into a Perl class AND a RDBMs table, with one interface, one set of rules and one set of documentation. Oh yeah, it has to be fast, portable, simple to use and fully inheritable. This is what Class::DBI has set out to do, but it hasn't quite reached that goal.
We're going to do an in-order walkabout through a real world example of inheritance in-depth. Books are nice for learning programming theory, but there's nothing like a good code review to air out some of the exceptions that more often than not wind up as rules. Along the way we'll hit upon issues such as practical inheritance, stupid autoloading tricks, lazy persistence, DBI, run-time type inspection, a little symbol table hacking and pseudohashes. As this is an incomplete work there's lots of interesting problems scattered about the code, some solved, some not, and I'm sure more than a few mistakes will pop out. We'll dig into them a bit and discuss what led to them and how they might be resolved.
This is the full version of the extremely cut down talk which will be
given at TPC this year. As such it will not simply be a repeat of
the same material, but a major expansion along with much more opportunity
for audience discussion (Class::DBI does alot of Odd Things which will
need thrashing out) both because of the extra time and the expected higher
overall experience level of the audience.
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