YAPC::NA badge
YAPC::NA 2006 YAPC::NA 2006


Monday, June 26th Tuesday, June 27th Wednesday, June 28th

Time Auditorium Ballroom Expo Alumni
8:30 An Overview of Perl 5.10
Steve Peters
UR - Universal Relational Software Framework
Scott Smith
Some Notes on Using the Perl Debugger
Steven Lembark
Using Object::InsideOut
Jerry Hedden
8:55 Perl 6 Update
Larry Wall, Damian Conway
9:20 Building a Workflow Engine with POE and mod_perl
JT Smith
Successful and Maintainable Testing for Database Backed Applications
Jason Gessner
Shrinkwrap Software Development with Perl, PAR and SOAP
Chris Dolan
10:05 Break
10:25 Learning Perl 6
Randal Schwartz, brian d foy
A Quick Introduction to Catalyst
Kevin Falcone
The Reluctant Web Tester
Joe McMahon
Module::Compile - A Shrewd Axe
Ingy döt Net
10:50 Catalyst-based Weblog Software
Jonathan Rockway
11:15 Introducing the Solstice Framework
Miles Crawford, Patrick A. Michaud
Automated Web Testing with Selenium
Luke Closs
Two or Three Things I Learned About Maintaining CPAN Modules
James Keenan

Lunch: 12:00-13:30, on your own

Time Auditorium Ballroom Expo Alumni
13:30 Perl 6 Compiler Status and the Parrot Compiler Toolkit
Patrick Michaud
Introduction to Mason
Dave Rolsky
Perl Hacks You Never Imagined
Wile Coyote’s Tool Box: The Acme Namespace, 20 Minutes, 60 Modules
José Castro
13:55 Reusing the Pugs Test System for Fun and Profit
Gaal Yahas
14:20 Compiling Perl 6
Yuval Kogman
Leveraging Mason to Build a Flexible, Localized Framework
Jason Gessner
Perl White Magic: Special Variables and Command Line Switches
José Castro
5 Easy Ways to Breathe AJAX Life Into an Existing Application
Michael Peters
14:45 Jifty
Jesse Vincent
15:05 Break
15:25 Deploying Perl 6
Audrey Tang
Moose - It’s the New Camel
Stevan Little
Porting Mac::Carbon to Intel
Chris Nandor
Subversion Best Practices
Ben Collins-Sussman
15:50 7 Essential CGI::Application Plugins
Michael Graham
Javascript Hacks for Perl Hackers
Ingy döt Net
16:15 A Peek Into Pugs Internals
Gaal Yahas
Plagger - DIY RSS/Atom Aggregation
Tatsuhiko Miyagawa
XML Digital Signatures and SXIP 2.0 Claims
David Huska

Evening activity: Dinner and auction, details TBA

Monday, June 26th Tuesday, June 27th Wednesday, June 28th

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