YAPC Schedule

yapc: Yet Another Perl Conference

Wednesday June 26th Schedule

  Brown 100 Brown 118 McDonnell 162 Busch 100
9:00 Welcome
9:15 Larry Wall  
10:30 Break Break Break Break
11:00 Dan Sugalksi:
The Parrot Flies
Jesse Vincent:
Tracking Issues with RT
Jos Boumans:
Introduction to POE
Dave Rolsky and Brent Michalski:
Introduction to Mason
11:25 Dan Sugalksi:
Parrot in a Nutshell
12:10 Simon Cozens:
Parroting On - Lessons from the coal face
12:30 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
2:00 Damian Conway:
Programming in Perl 6
Simon Cozens:
Perl For System Administrators
Mark-Jason Dominus:
Stolen Secrets of the Wizards of the Ivory Tower
Tim Maher:
Minimal Perl for the Impatient
3:30 Break Break Break Break
4:00 (cont'd) (cont'd) (cont'd) (cont'd)
5:00 Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner
7:00 Perl 6 BOF Joe Johnston
Template::Toolkit BOF
Neil Watkiss
ActiveState BOF


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