YAPC::Europe::2002 ->Lunch;

Conference participants will have several different choices for lunch. There are a couple of supermarkets around the "Technische Universität München" for those who want to buy some food. There are also several restaurants around the University. The third option which is much favoured by the organizers would be the mensa of the "Technische Universität München".

We have permission to use their mensa for the participants. Participants who want to use the mensa must buy vouchers from the registration desk. You can only pay with these vouchers in the mensa. We are subsidizing these lunch vouchers. One voucher is valid for "one main dish with three side dishes and one beverage". The price for one voucher is 5,- EUR. This voucher is only valid at the TUM mensa.

In the same building there is also a Cafeteria where you can get small dishes or salad plates. There you can only pay with cash.

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